Delegates’ & Captains’ Guides

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Upon becoming a club member, hence agreeing with the player charter, players understand that they may be called upon by their team captain(s) to undertake the following tasks on match-day.

The following is a list of the tasks required on match-day. Tasks should be assigned in advance of a match. Captains may use the below template to keep track of who undertakes each task every week, or tasks can be assigned through SportEasy (instructions below).

The job of délegué(e) is an important one and may differ according to league. It is recommended to appoint a délégué(e) before the match to allow players and coach to focus on preparing to play. The délégué(e) should welcome the opposition team and referee, stay composed and calm your team down in case of trouble, and aim to make the referee feel comfortable, e.g. ask them before, during (at half-time) and after the game if they have everything needed.



What does the déléguée do?

  • Welcome the referee to the club
  • Assist referee with logistical tasks before/during /after match
  • Also helps the coach with practical matters

Who can be déléguée?

  • Needs to be 18 years old
  • Needs to be registered with Union Belge and present valid ID card
  • For away game: no déléguée needed but recommended to have one to assist the coach, if none: a substitute can help
  • For home games a déléguée is obligatory, no déléguée = forfait. The déléguée cannot be a player that is on the game sheet
  • A coach can be added as delegue on the match sheets, but this is not recommended and should be used only as a last resort.

Before the game

  • Start computer (sometimes this takes time)
  • Put on armband, white (home game) or Belgian tricolor (away). Check with the captains where they store the armbands. Some teams keep them with the kits, others in the Med Kit.
  • Ask captain for money to pay the referee and for home games water and sandwiches
  • Collect ID cards and jersey numbers
  • Order cards by jersey number of starters and substitutes(same order as entered in system)
  • Welcome referee, ensure s/he gets a locker room (keys are with the groundsman). Make sure everything is ok Ask if he/she wants to drik something (before game, at half time & after the game).
  • Ensure med kit is taken to pitch (it is in the black bag)
  • Ensure three match balls are ready (correctly pumped). If not, pump them
  • Supply match balls to referee for check
  • Supply warm up balls to opposition (if they ask) and own team
  • Recover warm up balls from opposition and own team after warm up
  • Read the names of the players and check id cards for referee
  • Sometimes the referee will ask to see the match sheet in that case the computer has to be brought with the correct page to the pitch (as there is no longer an internet connection). If the referee asks for a printed copy this is not possible as we have no printer
  • Collect six big bottles of water. Distribute one for referee (normally given at half time) three for own team and two for opposition


  • Start computer (you will receive user name and password from the captains)
  • Go to player tab; input players with jersey number and indicate captain and subs
  • Go to staff tab and indicate déléguée (déléguée au terrain) + coach
  • Go to verification tab, check the match sheet and click on send at the bottom
  • Ensure opposition can update match sheet on computer

During the game

  • Keep the key of referee (if (s)he asks you to) and our team’s locker room
  • Remain available to assist referee at all times on the side of the pitch
  • Ensure only players standing in neutral zone are players coach and déléguée
  • Ask supporters to stay behind the fence and players to wear a bib or shirt in another colour
  • Keep spare match ball close by
  • If match ball is kicked out, provide a new one and ask a substitute or supporter to collect the ball
  • Write the important action down for the match report
  • Ensure referee gets drink (one water bottle at half time)

After the game

  • Count the balls and, if any are missing, ensure that they are collected
  • Ensure referee completes match sheet correctly: score, subs, yellow and red cards
  • Pay referee; make sure you have the correct amount as usually they do not have change
  • Give ID cards back to players
  • Ensure computer is correctly turned off (otherwise it takes ages to start)


  • Captains can name a person responsible for jersey checks. The person responsible for the jersey check should ensure that the correct jerseys are brought to the match and are washed.
  • There are two aspects to the jersey check: 1) knowing when we need to use another kit (not green) and 2) knowing who will wash the jerseys and bring them to the next game.
  • The rule for provincial is that the home team has to change if the opponents have the same colour i.e. green (fyi the reverse applies to D2 i.e. they have to change when they play away).
  • Crucially, no-one can take the jerseys without informing captains and no-one can take their jersey home separately.


  • Match balls (pumped)
  • Armbands (white for home games for déléguée), captain’s armband and coach’s armband (red)
  • Computer. We currently have two computers. Depending on the match schedule these can be shared between teams or a third one can be ordered. The ref uses the computer to report the match sheet.
  • Medkit
  • Cones for warm-up
  • For away games only – Pitch check: captains name a person to be responsible for checking if we play on astro or grass. This should be communicated with the selection message.

Payment: sandwiches, water and ref

  • Captains are responsible for paying sandwiches, water and referee for home games. This is normally around 90 euros per home game to be paid in cash.
  • Dominique/buvette is paid for sandwiches and six big bottles of water (one for referee, three for own team and two for opposition). Last year the fee was 49 EUR.
  • The amount that should be paid to the referee is indicated on the match sheet. The fee varies as it depends on how far the ref has to travel. But normally around 35 EUR.
  • The financial controller of the women’s section will handle the reimbursement. For the 2021-2022 season, the responsible person is Mariana


  • Match report: Name a person to write the match report, preferably before the game (most people keep better track of key actions if they are prepared).
  • Name someone to take photos of the match/team after the match to share on social media, specifically Instagram, and/or to send to Communications Officer or their named contact


Note that the list of tasks allocated to the délégué below is quite extensive and most often, many of these will be carried out by the captain, vice-captain, or anyone willing to help. The only requirement from ABSSA is that the home team (but not the away team) have a délégué present at all times during the match, and from a club perspective our priority is that that person should be someone who represents the club gracefully (available, helpful, respectful and polite to the referee and the opposition, etc.), and the captain will no doubt appreciate having a proactive délégué who helps with the tasks below as much as they can, but as long as all of the below are covered in an organised manner, they need not be carried out specifically by the délégué.


Before the game:

  • Be there on time, ideally an hour before the (home) match. 45 minutes before is obligatory!
  • Wear white armband at home matches (“tricolore” for away games) for identification. The bands are to be found in each team’s kitbag.
  • Bring the medical kit to the bench and ensure (at least 3) match balls are pumped.
  • You need to have the team’s tablet code. Enter the tablet and select the match date and game.
  • Ensure the tablet is duly filled (delegate, players, numbers, captain). You should get a message if you seek to align a non-eligible player (suspended, too young in case of veterans). Pay attention in case of players with same names.
  • On a side note: the captain should make sure that one or several members of the team ideally including the délégué are familiar with completing the tablet in case no referee is available. It is very simple, but not self-explanatory unfortunately even if instructions can be found on Abssa’s website (see
  • Collect players’ IDs and arrange the cards in the order of their names on the tablet.
  • Be ready to hand the tablet to the opposition 30 minutes before kick-off time.
  • Receive the referee and accompany him to his changing room.
  • Collect the tablet from the opposition and hand it to the referee with the ordered ID cards at least 15 minutes before kick-off time.
  • Fetch the water from the bar, hand two bottles to the opposition and bring the rest to the bench (note: this was a pre-Covid requirement, but may make a comeback in the future?).

During the game:

  • Remain in the neutral zone around your bench. Ensure that a match ball is always close by in event of ball/balls being kicked away from the pitch and into trees/field etc.
  • Ask other bystanders to search match balls kicked away (délégué MUST stay pitchside).

At halftime:

  • Be ready to bring a small (not opened) water bottle to the referee.

After the game:

  • Ensure that the medical kit and the match balls are brought back (and locked away)
  • Check the result and the cards entered by the referee.
  • Unused subs are better taken off (by using the blank space).
  • Sign off the game and result on the tablet by entering the code.
  • Pay the referee – amount is in the range of 25 to 40 EUR, depending on the referee’s transport allowance. (Ask your captain for the money, as the club transfers advances to them).
  • Go to the next available wi-fi (in Nossegem: in the bar) and transmit the match sheet to ABSSA. Take note of the code as proof of transmission.


  • Captains can name a person responsible for jersey checks. The person responsible for the jersey check should ensure that the correct jerseys are brought to the match and are washed.
  • There are two aspects to the jersey check: 1) knowing when we need to use another kit (not green) and 2) knowing who will wash the jerseys and bring them to the next game.
  • The rule in ABSSA is that the home team has to change if the opponents have the same colour i.e. green. Tip: at the beginning of each season, the captain should make a note of which teams play in the same colour jerseys and which home games the “away” jerseys will be required for.
  • Crucially, no-one can take the jerseys without informing captains and no-one can take their jersey home separately.


  • Match balls (pumped)
  • Armbands (white for home games for déléguée, tricolor for away), captain’s armband and coach’s armband (red)
  • Tablet
  • Medkit
  • Cones for warm-up


  • Match report: the FCI match report has been a long standing tradition in the club, and over the years different approaches have been taken to it. The short stories (but loooong match reports) that used to get circulated by email for the 4th team and vets 2 groups have typically given way to shorter reports which are published on the website shortly after the match. More on the website in the next bullet-point, but 1st of all, name a person to write the match report, preferably before the game (most people keep better track of key actions if they are prepared).
  • Updating website: one or two members of the team should have editing rights over the FCI website and should be responsible for uploading the score and match report after the game. If you aren’t sure of who has these editing rights, ask the Committee.
  • Name someone to take photos of the match/team after the match to share on social media, specifically Instagram, and/or to send to Communications Officer or their named contact

SportEasy Instructions

Assign a task from the website, via a computer 💻
You must be “coach“, “player coach” or at least “Admin” of the team to be able to assign a task.

Here is what you can do from the site:

Create, edit, and delete tasks


To create new tasks, go to the setting gear to the right of the main menu of your team’s site and click onManage the tasks”.


Then, click “Create a task”.


You will be able to name the task and choose a suitable icon.


Name and attach an icon to your tasks. You can create as many tasks as you want. You can also edit and delete them from the same task


Assign a task to a player


Once the tasks have been created, you can assign them to one or more players on your team for all your events.


Going to your game sheet, you will find the action icon “Assign a task”:

Click on this icon: you can choose the task to assign (or create a new one), select the player (s) responsible for this task, notify them by email of this assignment and add a personalized message to this email.

After confirming, the icon corresponding to the task will appear next to the designated players.