Tablet Guide
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- Tablet Guide
Abbsa requires all match details to be filled in via a tablet application. This includes both pre and post match details including squad lists, final scores, cards, goals, assists and substitutions. The following is a guide to completing this process.
The tablet should be dealt with by the team captain, coach or delegate. The first step of updating the app should be done on the Friday before the home match. Come to Nossegem well prepared and don’t leave things to the last minute.
Preliminary information:
- App: abssamobile
- Matricule: 402 (this is FC Irlande’s ABSSA registration number)
- Password: Provided to each captain at the beginning of the season (if you don’t know yours, please contact the Club Committee)
Updating the tablet is mandatory for all home games. Failure to undertake these steps correctly risks forfeiting the match as well as incurring a fine for the Club.
- Make sure the tablet is charged.
- Update the app (This can be done on Friday morning from around 9-10 am until before the match. But don’t leave this to the last moment!)
- Fill in your team (see process below
- Open the abbsamobile app
- Update the database (this adds the latest qualified players, obtains info on suspended players etc…)
- Click on “Mise à jour”
- Matricule “402”
- Fill your code “…”
- Click on “Importer”
- Get Message: L´ímportation de la base de données a été exécutée avec succès. Version “date”
- Open a match sheet (“Feuille de match”)
- Choose Division “..”
- Select Journée: “date”
- Select your game: “match”
- Chose drop-down menu “Equipe visitée”
- Enter “Code identifiant de votre club” “..”
- Enter delegate
- Enter all players and reserves with numbers
- Indicate captain
- Close your team´s page
- The Delegate should collect the players’ IDs/ABSSA cards and put them in the order of the match sheet on the tablet
- Assist referee with logistical tasks before/during /after match
- In case there is no referee, you will need the temporary “code arbitre” of the week in the first menu. Once you leave the application and re-enter, this will appear on the first screen. Note it down, it will be required for the referee’s commands on the tablet. Pay attention, once you return to the match sheet: The application will inform you that there is already data, and asks whether you want to keep it. Respond “oui”.
- Join the referee and the opposition delegate to close the tablet
- check indication of yellow cards and changes
- check results
- The opponent’s delegate needs enter his code first, followed by referee (in case it´s an “arbitre occasionnel”, note this in comment, add the full name of whoever refereed and use the “code arbitre de la semaine”
- Put your code last to close
- You will get a message that “feuille de match est clôturée/finalisée“
- Pay the referee (the amount should be between 25 and 40 EUR)
- Go straight to the Bar in Nossegem and send the match sheet (MUST be done on the matchday before 18h00. (MUST be done on the matchday before 18h00. Failure to send the match sheet results in a forfeit as well as a 87.50 EUR fine for the Club).
- Enter “envoi feuille au serveur”
- Select your division, date and match/li>
- Transmit
- Note down the reception code as a proof for ABSSA (in case they don´t receive the data)
- If there is any problem, please contact somebody in the club who has experience. If problems persist, best is to find a club committee member who can call the club’s ABSSA Secretary or eventually the League’s Secretariat. Make sure you don’t panic and accidentally manipulate the tablet incorrectly, e.g. to reimport the databases.
For away games, the opposition will complete the process above but will hand you the tablet to enter the the squad. You will need the Matricule number and your password to enter the squad list as well as to confirm the match details after the match.
Find a delegate who is not going to play for you. (See instructions for Delegates on the Delegate’s page)
Bring cash to pay for the ref (max 40€). The Club will reimburse all refereeing costs to you.